Why Democratizing Investing Matters and How to Join This Economic Revolution Today

Private equity investing has long been used by high-net-worth individuals as a strategy for diversifying portfolios and building wealth. Unlike investing through the public stock exchange, private equity investing is buying shares in a privately held company. 

For most, even the thought of investing in private markets can be daunting – and no wonder. Historically, the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) regulations have prevented companies from publicly marketing their offerings. As a result, most people don’t even hear about private investment opportunities. Since 2011, regulations have been changing, and we would like to share more about why the move to democratize investment is so significant.   

Have you heard about Regulation Crowdfunding? 

Previously, only accredited investors could take part in private capital markets. Investors currently qualify as accredited in one of three ways: 

  • If they earn an annual income of $200,000 for two consecutive years ($300,000 for couples) and reasonably expect to earn that for the following year. 

  • Have a net worth of $1 million – excluding their primary residence. 

  • Professional qualifications –such as investment professionals holding Series 7, 65, or 82. 

Private market investing is generally known to have higher risks than public markets, but also for having potentially larger rewards. While any investment offering should always receive proper review and due diligence, excluding the rest of the population from private investments also excludes them from the same opportunities to build wealth.  

The SEC took a giant step toward democratizing investing with game-changing Regulation Crowdfunding. Also known as equity crowdfunding, this revolutionary way of raising capital enables companies to offer and sell securities through crowdfunding and openly market their offering. This means that basically, anyone with access to the internet and a banking system can now become a private investor. 

 But there is more to it than expanding access to private capital markets. Keep reading! 

Democratizing the Economy  

As the global population rises and climate challenges escalate, we are awakening to the realization that how we invest and what companies we invest in shapes our economy and can impact our communities and environments.  

Equity crowdfunding empowers people to choose the kind of economy they want, offering the possibility of aligning values with a company by investing in its growth in anticipation of a financial return. 

What Green Canopy NODE Stands For 

At Green Canopy NODE, we believe that SEC’s regulation to democratize private equity investments offers the opportunity for values-based investments to non-accredited investors, which is why we are both proud and excited to launch our first equity crowdfunding campaign through StartEngine!  

We continue to work to revolutionize how housing is built, delivering more sustainable, healthy homes faster and for less cost. Equity crowdfunding is an exciting opportunity to include more people in our mission to help regenerate communities and environments – addressing some of the most pressing challenges of our time: the climate and housing crises.  

Today, anyone can invest in Green Canopy NODE! By doing so, they receive shares in our rapidly-growing company and invest in the kind of business we stand for – socially responsible and purpose-driven. 

We invite you to learn more about our StartEngine campaign and invest today. Together, we can scale sustainable, healthy homes for everyone! 

Admin GreenCanopy