Courage for a Time of Change

Courage for a Time of Change
by Aaron Fairchild

As the earth crosses the threshold of equinox into spring, humanity finds itself awakening to the reality that society too is crossing a threshold. The encompassing crisis and the equinox hold similarities worth noting. During the equinox, the light from the sun shines equally upon everyone around the globe. The number of daylight hours and nighttime hours are equal across the planet, and equally felt by every living thing; a shared and beautiful solar rhythm experienced across the planet. The equinox and this crisis offer us an opportunity to reflect on our shared humanity.

It takes courage to believe that this half-lit time holds a greater purpose.

Indeed, we are all linked by the spread of the coronavirus – the natural world, and our global economy – the human world. Through this moment humanity is, at some level, coming into the awareness that the natural world impacts our collective ability to survive and thrive on the planet, and how we conduct our economy collectively impacts us as well. Fortunately, we are also becoming aware that we can rapidly adjust our lives and our organizations when motivated to do so.

In this moment, can we let go of fear and focus on what present action is needed to create more equitable and resilient societies, and healthier lives?

For starters, our communities have immediate needs for temporary health clinic facilities, quarantine and transitional housing, and access to food for those in need. Take a second to find your local food bank and make donations today. And as we continue traveling further into the crisis, needs will shift into recovery and renewal.

Is it possible to consider both the immediate needs, and the mid-to-longer term needs of renewal that our communities will face?

At this time, it is hard to consider much beyond the immediate. Everyone in my community is feeling the weight of this moment. Somewhere inside I feel the question, “Is it too soon to begin thinking about rebuilding and renewal when we aren’t even aware yet how much damage will be done?” I feel this question, but I also feel another, “How do we ensure a more equitable and resilient society emerges from the wreckage of this pandemic?” I can’t help but be curious about this already.

Given the burgeoning awareness of our interdependence, can we consider new ways to provide for society’s basic needs such as, health, food, housing, education, security, and employment?

At the very least, perhaps some of us, even within this uncertain moment, can begin the work of renewal to a more beautiful future our hearts know is possible. A future where social justice and environmental sustainability go hand in hand. A future where, regardless of income or social standing, everyone can live in a net positive energy house or apartment. A future where everyone can save and invest in positively impactful and regenerative companies while earning balanced and resilient returns on their savings. A future where our wildlands are preserved and restored for the benefit of all shared life on the planet.

It can take courage to look for purpose within uncertain times.

A blessing from John O’Donohue

For Courage

When the light around you lessens
And your thoughts darken until
Your body feels fear turn
Cold as stone inside,

When you find yourself bereft
Of any belief in yourself
And all you unknowingly
Leaned on has fallen,

When one voice commands
Your whole heart,
And it is raven dark,

Steady yourself and see
That it is your own thinking
That darkens your world,

Search and you will find
A diamond-thought of light,

Know that you are not alone
And that this darkness has purpose;
Gradually it will school your eyes
To find the one gift your life requires
Hidden within this night-corner

Invoke the learning
Of every suffering
You have suffered.

Close your eyes.
Gather all the kindling
About your heart
To create one spark.
That is all you need
To nourish the flame
That will cleanse the dark
Of its weight of festered fear.

A new confidence will come alive
To urge you toward higher ground
Where your imagination
Will learn to engage difficulty
As its most rewarding threshold!